Activity Information

Bring Active Learning into your classroom with one (or more!) of the following activities

Click on an activity below for a How-To Guide, Real-life Examples, and Research on Each Activity's Effectiveness. 

Have students apply their skill and knowledge by delving into a case



Have students depict the relationship between ideas 


Force students to confront different perspectives using a debate





Stimulate thinking with whole-class or group discussion



Get students focused right at the start of class with an activity

Deepen knowledge with real-life experiences



Use games to build a first-hand understanding of course material

Reinforce and deepen student understanding with work at home

Create more engaging lectures without sacrificing content



Maximize content covered in class by dividing up material


Explore processes and relationships with hands-on experiences



Increase participation by letting students discuss with a partner


Engage students by having them teach each other and use clickers



Build scholarly skills by having students present



Get students thinking quickly with in-class writing
At a Glance, Examples, Research

Extend learning through research projects and activities

Have students grapple with material by simulating real-life scenarios


Use alternating pairs with a time limit to get students engaged and thinking.