Full Class

Clinical Trials Smackdown


This activity teaches skills in critical assessment of the peer-reviewed published literature.  It focuses on analysis of clinical trials in mental health, but the principles and methods are readily generalizable to other scientific literature.  The “Smackdown” approach represents an augmentation of the traditional “journal club” mode of teaching critical scientific reading skills.

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College Tuition Costs


In this homework assignment, students take as a starting point President Obama's speech at the University of Michigan about the cost of tuition and student debt and, using concepts from the readings and data online, get into depth about the nature of college tuition and student debt.

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Costa Rican Specimen Scavenger Hunt


Students embarked on this lab-based activity to help understand the species of Costa Rica. Graduate Student Teaching Fellow Alexis Harrison created this activity for her OEB 167 class to allow students to see and interact with preserved specimens from the Museum of Comparative Zoology, so they can further understand the types of animals they will see on their spring break trip to Costa Rica.

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Empathetic Bridge Role Play


Students use role-playing during a case study to demonstrate narrative leadership and improvise how they would handle a difficult situation if it arose in the workplace. Through this activity, students have a chance to practice leading a group through a moment of disruption.

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