Neurobiology Family Feud


In section for MCB 80, "Neurobiology of Behavior," students play a game similar to Family Feud to review material discussed in lecture. 

Graduate student Julio Perez uses this activity for his section. In every section, the class is divided into two equal-number groups. The students obtain a lists of questions that are going to be asked during the section. They have 15 minutes to discuss with each other the answers to the questions. Then the instructor starts asking the questions in a random order to randomly selected members of one group. If the person answers correctly the group gets a point. If the person cannot answer or gives a wrong answer, the other team has the chance to answer the question and steal the point. If neither team is able to answer the question, the instructor explains the answer. In the end the group with the most correct answers wins a prize (usually candies).

Perez says to be charismatic while running the game and be very encouraging to students specially when they get wrong answers.